"In Cynthia's classes I always feel held and comfortable. Her attention to detail and her energy is awesome: very clear, mindful and open, leaving me free and safe to explore my practice and discover new things about myself and my body. She also really knows her stuff! I've had the privilege of practicing alongside her as well, and it's plain to see that her teaching is inspired by her own deep practice, which, for me, is really important in a teacher. I've learned a lot from Cynthia and I think any person will benefit from taking her classes." -B.B. -San Francisco, CA, USA
"The beautiful compassionate energy of Cynthia, her great knowledge, inspiring explorations and experiences really made me feel comfortable, safe and able to open up and release. Her mindful teaching really respects each and everyone's own integrity. She will lead you into a mindful bodily experience with care and peacefulness. I have learned a lot from her good soul. Her energy is a blessing." - Jade B. -Nomadic World Traveler
"Cynthia's calm, meditative, approach to teaching yoga allowed me to really deepen my experience within postures. I could feel bodily tensions releasing and my mind becoming stiller as the session progressed." -Julie.G. -United Kingdom
"I enjoy Cynthia's sweet and gentle guidance all through yoga and meditation. She is kind and giving, and has a strong dedication to help others." -Michaela.M. -Romania
"Cynthia’s warm and compassionate nature is immediately felt in her presence. Her teachings are intentional and clear, reflecting her own personal healing journey and depth of exploration. Cynthia’s healing touch throughout the practice left me feeling secure and cared for. I would highly recommend Cynthia’s classes, workshops and offerings to anyone seeking stillness, relaxation and harmony in life." -T.S. -Victoria, British Columbia
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