move through creative blocks

8 Ways to Overcome Creative Blocks and Create Every Day (or more consistently)


Have you ever set a goal for yourself to create more consistently (or share a passion project in the world), but then it falls flat or doesn’t happen? I can definitely relate. I’m no stranger to sabotaging my creativity, and thankfully I now use a lot of different tools and techniques to move through creative blocks that I’d like to share with you. I recently read that many people experience grief for forgotten or abandoned creative projects. My heart sunk when I read that. I know I’ve grieved not following my creative impulse. Here’s a not-so-secret, secret…

Everyone self sabotages or is creatively blocked sometimes. you’re not alone!

Amazingly successful creators (who I adore!), such as Brene Brown, Seth Godin, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Marie Forleo, all talk about this connection between self sabotage and our creativity (as well as writers block). This resistance is natural, because creativity and vulnerability can't be separated and we’re human. While there are infinite reasons why we may stop ourself from creating, let’s dive deeper into some of the common reasons…

Here are 8 Common Creative Blocks:

  1. Procrastination

  2. Lacking Confidence

  3. Feeling Overwhelmed or Anxious

  4. Feeling Tired or Distracted

  5. Lack of Focus

  6. Perfectionism

  7. Crazymakers

  8. Feeling Isolated

Did you chuckle or nod your head while reading that, because yup you’ve totally been there? I know I did, haha.

I personally believe it’s important to have compassion for ourselves, and that’s probably why so many of my Mindful Art activities are about embracing our Inner Critic (and finding kind and gentle ways to reconnect us to our creativity). I’ll share more about that in a different blog post. For now, I love how Brene Brown says we’re “imperfectly perfect,” AND I’d love to share a few, small and simple ways to move through some of these creative blocks.

Here are 8 Creative Solutions to Overcome Creative Blocks:


You can download your free Creative Blocks and Tips Guide here. You don’t need to sign up or anything.

This Guide includes simple and fun ways to move through creative blocks, as well as a joyful journaling exercises to reconnect with your creative spark.

For additional support in community, I hope you’ll consider joining us:

Mindful Art Online Classes and/or our Mindful Creatives Online Group

I know for me being part of a community (with accountability, connection, and guidance) is especially nurturing and supportive for creativity. I’d love to have you join our sweet Mindful Creative Muse community. Until next time…

Happy Creating!
:) Cynthia

p.s. I’d LOVE to hear which creative block comes up for you? Maybe you feel blocked in a different way? How do you move through creative blocks?
Let’s share, support, and inspired each other!