
Do you feel more creative when in a "flow state"?

Do you have an inner critic or voice saying "I'm not creative" or "I'm not good enough"?

Explore 3 key things about creativity and being in a "flow state" below... 



When I was attending graduate art school in 2005, I fell into a bit of a creative slump. One of my Art Professors at the time encouraged me to "strike while the iron is hot."

I remember her telling all of the artists in our graduate art program that we needed to consistently create artwork and produce something every day to ensure our creative juices kept flowing. While I know her intentions were good (and she was speaking from what worked well for her), I found her firm words triggered feelings of shame in me.

My inner child felt like it wasn't good enough. I tried as hard as I could to produce "work"; to churn out amazingly creative pieces and to deeply connect with the "muse" in my life. However, the love affair with my muse was seemingly absent. Quiet. Still. 

My professors words stuck with me for years (especially when I found myself in a similar "dry spell" creatively). Strike while the iron is hot. What iron am I supposed to be striking? Why did it run cold in the first place? I'm a failure as an artist, I thought. I'm not creative, I thought. However, after years of experiencing this cyclical dance of creating, I began to notice:

my creative process came in waves; it ebbed and flowed.

Similar to everything in nature, my creative output appeared to have it's own seasons. When I wasn't doing something creative, my thoughts and creative juices were incubating. It reminds me of trees in the winter. Upon first glance, trees may seem barren and frozen, however beneath the surface they are soaking up nutrients that will help them grow, expand, and flourish when the sun comes out and the timing is right. 

Maybe you've experience similar seasons of creating in your life? Maybe you have the same inner critic and voice saying "I'm not creative" or "I'm not good enough." I believe:

  1. Everyone is creative in their own way

  2. Everyone has a different process of expressing their creativity

  3. Creativity is healing and fundamental to our self-care and well-being

So what does creativity mean to you? How are you creative in your life?

Creativity is defined as "the ability to make new things or think of new ideas." Creativity isn't always equated to artwork, and instead Creativity = Innovation. Process. Ideas. Expression. Thinking of creativity in this way, you may find it easier to recognize ways you think of new ideas, express yourself, or give back to the world. For one person, creativity may look like painting, drawing, writing, collage, photography, or dance; for others, creativity may look like gardening, hiking, working on cars or home repair; and for others it may also look like solving math problems, creating software apps, sharing new ideas at a work meeting, solving a problem in a different way and sharing the results with your peers.

Creativity comes in a variety of shapes and forms, however one thing is common: 
Creativity is often linked to being in a Flow State: an "optimal state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform our best.” Psychology Today wrote an interesting article about the connection between Creativity and Flow states here. When we're expressing ourselves creatively, we are often in a Flow State, and this state feels so effortless that we may not give our efforts enough credit. Flow States enhance our creativity, because we're in an altered state of consciousness. Our breath is deepened. Our focus is precise and clear. Time passes quickly, and it's easy for us to lose ourselves in the moment. 

So how can we enhance our likelihood of being in a Flow State and enhancing our Creativity? I'm glad you asked. There are many ways we can enter into this flow state, and I'll share 5 of my favorite top tips to help you tap into your creative spirit in my next Blog. Be sure to subscribe below!

I hope this has sparked ideas for you regarding what creativity means in your life, and please know if you're in a season of rest that you're exactly where you need to be! If you'd like to tap into your creative spirit, connect in a flow state, and share in a non-judgmental space, I hope you'll join us for one of our upcoming Art and Yoga Workshops or online expressive arts and mindfulness e-courses. 

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p.s. I'd love to hear when you feel you're in a flow state and how creativity manifests in your life! Please share in the comments! :)