Spark Your Creativity with Mindful Art: Simple Steps to Start Today
Feeling creatively stuck or not making progress on personal or professional creative projects? Mindful Art offers a simple yet powerful way to spark creativity and reconnect with your Inner Creative Muse.
When inspiration strikes—whether for a drawing, a new mindful art activity or lesson, or even a creative journaling practice—there is profound power in simply beginning. By acting on your Creative Muse when inspiration arises, you invite ease and flow into your creative process.
There’s a myth about the Creative Muse that suggests we can only create when the Muse decides to show up. But as many creatives, writers, mindful artists, and art therapists know, creativity is something we cultivate. Each small action, like picking up a pen or starting a therapeutic doodle, opens the door to greater inspiration.
The more we practice self-love and self-compassion as we create mindfully, the more we feel free to create without judgment, fear, or stress.
The Inner Critic often tells a different story. It might whisper, “You need more materials, more time, or more preparation before you begin.” But the truth? You don’t need to be fully ready—you just need to take one small step forward. In mindful art, those simple steps can be transformative.
DOWNLOAD THE FREE WORKBOOK HERE for simple art journaling prompts to get started.
Why We Feel Stuck—and How Mindful Art Can Help
If you’ve been feeling creatively stuck—whether as a mindful art teacher, art therapist, or someone who uses art as meditation or for personal expression—it’s often because your ideas feel too big, overwhelming, or out of reach. Here’s the good news: all creative impulses are valid and beautiful.
The key is to simplify your approach. Instead of tackling a large project all at once, ask yourself, “How can I break this into smaller, more manageable steps?”
Here’s an approach I often use in my mindful art practice, which I call “Heartstorming.”
Start by journaling or doodling your creative ideas.
Start with three to five simple steps of that creative idea.
Identify the smallest step you can take right now.
Hint: If you still feel overwhelmed or stuck, the idea or next step can be broken down into an even smaller step!
Easy, Mindful Art Activities You Can Start at Home
Not sure where to begin? Here are a few mindful art ideas and therapeutic drawing practices anyone can do:
BreathDoodles™: Set a timer for 3-5 minutes. As you breathe slowly, let your pen follow the rhythm of your inhale and exhale, creating flowing marks or patterns. Watch this Drawing the Breath Video Here. To be guided through ~20 five-minute BreathDoodles™, learn more here.
Gratitude Doodle: Let your pen move freely, creating patterns, shapes, or lines around that word. Write one thing you’re grateful for.
Mindful Mandala: Start with a small circle in the center of your page. Expand outward, adding layers of shapes, colors, or patterns as you focus on each breath. Bonus! You can not only draw simple, abstract mandalas that anyone can do - you can also express your emotions and thoughts for an empowering practice for your well being! Discover how to Draw Your Feelings with Mindful Mandalas Here.
Body Scan Drawing Meditation: One of my favorite, simple mindful art and journaling exercises is the Body Scan Drawing Meditation.
5-Minute Nature Contour Drawings: Step outside or look out a window. Draw something you see, focusing on texture and shape rather than perfection. See a flower? Trace the edges of it (it’s okay if it looks like a scribble!). Try drawing with your non-dominant hand to free up any “perfectionistic” tendencies! See this as an experiment, play, and just for you!
These simple practices help bypass the Inner Critic, allowing creativity to flow naturally. They are also excellent for mindful art teachers and art therapists to use as prompts in sessions. For more guidance and support, see our online mindful art offerings here.
Removing Barriers to Creativity
In both personal and professional mindful art practices, it’s important to identify what holds us back. Sometimes, it’s as simple as needing a new sketchbook or five minutes of quiet. Other times, it’s a deeper need, like learning a new skill, gaining confidence, earning a certification, or receiving guidance to help make your dream a reality!
Ask yourself:
What do I feel called to create?
What is holding me back?
Reflect on these questions in your mind or art journal. Then, take two to five minutes to dream about your creative goal. From there, write down one to three small, actionable steps you can take this week.
For instance:
If you’re creating at home, set up an “art space” with just a journal and pen to make starting easier. The best way to help us begin is to remove the barriers that stop us from starting.
If you’re a mindful art teacher preparing a lesson, simplify your materials or try the activity yourself first.
I always say in my Mindful Art & Meditation Teacher Training Certification that “we teach what we know.” Deepening our personal practice is supportive not only for ourselves, but also for those we want to support (if you feel calls to teach, coach, etc).
Curious to learn more about Mindful Art for Kids, Parents, and Teachers? Watch the Free 60-min Art as Meditation Workshop HERE.
Remember, if it feels overwhelming, the step is too big. Break it down even further. You may need more training, support, or a roadmap to help guide you. That’s exactly why I created the teacher training.
Supporting Your Creative Journey
Whether you’re an educator, an art therapist, or someone who wants to feel less stress and create more with simple mindful art activities for self-care - your creative journey is unique. And yet, we all face moments of doubt or paralysis. The secret to moving forward is embracing the next small step.
Want to share Mindful Art with others? Learn the 8 Key Steps to Teach Mindful Art with Joy and Confidence. Download Free Workbook HERE
I’d love to hear how you’re using mindful art in your life or work. What are you creating? Where are you feeling stuck? Share your questions or reflections in the comments, or send me a message. Let’s explore ways to support your creativity together.
Happy creating!