mindful art studio

Clear the Clutter, Unleash Your Creativity: 6 Steps to Designing Your Ideal Mindful Art Studio at Home

Clear the Clutter, Unleash Your Creativity: 6 Steps to Designing Your Ideal Mindful Art Studio at Home

Hello, creative friend! Life can be busy and overwhelming at times. Having a dedicated space for creative art making and journaling can be so supportive for your self-care. Want a space where you can relax, destress, and tap into your creativity?

Here are 6 Steps to Make an Art Studio at Home:

Step 1: Find Your Sweet Spot

Find the perfect spot for your mindful art studio. Look around your home for a space that makes your heart sing. It could be a spare room, a cozy corner in your bedroom, a little nook in your living room, or even a portable art studio satchel you can pull out and use on any table in your home. If it’s possible (and sometimes it isn’t), consider the lighting and privacy of the area. Remember, it's not about the size of the space, but the intention and positive vibes you bring to it.

Step 2: Decluttering

Okay, let's tackle the clutter monster first. Get ready to declutter your space and create a clean slate for your creative adventures. Take a deep breath and start sorting through your art supplies. Keep only the essentials that truly speak to your creative soul. Say goodbye to the materials that no longer inspire you. Trust me, clearing out that unnecessary stuff will not only create physical space but also give your mind some breathing room.

Step 3: Organize Like a Pro

Let's face it, a cluttered space can stifle creativity. So, let's get organized! Invest in some storage solutions that fit your space and artistic needs. Clear containers, shelves, and drawers will be your best friends. Categorize your art supplies and label everything to make your life easier. When you have a tidy and organized space, you'll be able to find what you need in a snap, unleashing your creative flow.

Step 4: Surround Yourself with Inspiration

Fill your art studio with things that inspire you. Hang up artworks or quotes that speak to your soul, or create a vision board filled with images that spark your imagination. Display meaningful objects or mementos that bring you joy. Consider adding a small altar or a cozy meditation corner. Surrounding yourself with beauty to inspire your own creative explorations.

Step 5: Create a Zen Zone

How would it feel to have your own creative nook or art studio at home (where you can feeling a sense of calm and inspiration)? Sounds amazing, right? You can create a relaxing space by choosing soothing colors (think soft blues, greens, or earthy tones that transport you to a tranquil oasis). Add elements of nature like plants to bring a touch of grounding energy, and perhaps add some cozy lighting.

Step 6: Embrace Mindfulness

Let's infuse some mindfulness into your creative practice. Before diving into art making, take a moment to center yourself. Breathe deeply, meditate, or express gratitude for the gift of creativity. Embrace the process of making art as a form of meditation, a way to connect with your inner self and explore the depths of your imagination. Notice each brushstroke, each pencil mark, and let your creativity flow.

Your art home studio and mindful creative sanctuary is ready for you!

Remember, this is YOUR creative journey. Personalize your space, and make it a reflection of your unique artistic voice. In this space, may you find solace, inspiration, and endless opportunities to create art that truly resonates with your inner self. Where you can let your imagination be free, experiment, try new practices and media, and express yourself creatively.

When life gets busy, may you make it a priority to spend time in your mindful art studio, corner, or portable art supplies. Set aside moments to create, even if it's just for a few minutes each day. Use this space or time to decompress, unwind, and reconnect with yourself. Let your creative practice be your refuge, a place where you can let go of stress and immerse yourself in the therapeutic power of art.

mindful art is not about the end result. It's about the process, the act of creating itself.

For Inspiration…

Watch these 5 minute Mindful Art Activities HERE!

Download your free Mindful Art WorkboOK HERE!

Embrace imperfections, experiment fearlessly, and let your intuition guide you. Allow your art to be a reflection of your emotions, your experiences, and your unique perspective on the world.

So, my creative friend, it's time to take that leap. Clear the clutter, design your mindful art studio, and let the magic unfold. Connect with your Creative Muse, and allow this creative space to nourish your soul. In the words of Vincent van Gogh, "I dream my painting and I paint my dream." May your dreams come to life within your creative space and mindful art studio.

For more inspiration, read these articles on Creative Decluttering for your Home Art Studio:

Now…your art is waiting to be born, and your art studio, corner, or journal is the sacred space where it will flourish. May it be a place of inspiration, growth, and self-discovery. Embrace the journey and trust the process.

Do you have anything you LOVE in your art studio or space? Any tips you found helpful that you want to comment and share with others? Any questions you have or things you’re struggling with as you set up your space? p.s. I can't wait to hear about and see the creative work you create in your mindful art studio. Feel free to comment here and/or tag me on social media: @mindfulcreativemuse :) Happy creating, my friend!

Learn more about Mindful Art online with our:
Mindful Art Workshops
Mindful Art Teacher Training

The Secret to Daily Creativity: A Simple Mindful Art Studio for Busy People

Do you sometimes feel too busy to make art or practice self-care?

Do you often feel creatively blocked, unable to tap into your artistic side?

If so, you're not alone. Many people lead busy lives and struggle to find the time and space to unleash their creativity. But what if I told you that the secret to unlocking your daily creativity lies in something as simple as having a mindful art studio (or dedicated art journal)?

If you're a busy person struggling to find time for your creativity, you may think that setting up a mindful art studio is out of reach. You might be thinking that you don't have the space or the time to create a dedicated area for your art. But the truth is, you don't need a large space or a lot of time to set up a simple and effective mindful art studio.

In fact, the beauty of a mindful art studio is that it can be as simple or as elaborate as you want it to be. You don't need fancy equipment or a lot of space to get started. All you need is a small corner of your home and a few basic art supplies. The key is to keep it simple and uncluttered, so you can focus on your art without distractions.

7 Tips to Create a Simple Mindful Art Studio at Home (for Busy People):

  1. Find a small corner: Keep it small and simple: You don't need a large space to create a mindful art studio. Look for a small corner in your home that you can dedicate to your art. It could be a spare room, a corner of your living room, or even a closet. The key is to keep it simple and uncluttered, so you can focus on your art without distractions. It’s important to have a space where you can work without interruptions. If you don’t have a room or corner, you can also dedicate an art journal, with a few simple drawing supplies, that is always available to you.

  2. Clear the clutter: Clear the space of any unnecessary items. This will make it easier to focus on your art and reduce distractions. An artist friend of mine recently said, “we need a space we can make mistakes in,” and I couldn't agree more. It can be a fine line between having your art space be too immaculate and perfect that you feel hesitant to make a mess and play or having a space that feels too overwhelming and chaotic that blocks you from even beginning (because you’d have to spend an hour cleaning first!).

  3. Organize your supplies: Keep your art supplies in labeled containers or drawers, so you can find what you need quickly. This will save you time and reduce stress. For an extra bonus, I like playing with “Creative Limitations,” where you choose to play with only a few art supplies at a time. It’s amazing how this can free up your creative ideas and brainstorming while making art!

  4. Personalize your space: Make the space your own by decorating it with things that inspire you. This could be anything from photographs to artwork to plants. 

  5. Create a routine: A daily, or consistent, routine is essential for a mindful art studio. Set aside a specific time each day or week to work on your art, and stick to it. This will help you stay focused and motivated.

  6. Let go of perfectionism: Remember, the goal of a mindful art studio is to let go of perfectionism and judgment. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and experiment with different techniques.

  7. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is the key to unlocking your daily creativity. Take a few minutes each day to focus on your breath and allow your mind to be quiet. This will help you stay present and focused while you create.

Creating a mindful art studio doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. It's a space where you can let go, focus on the present moment, and tap into your creativity. By following these simple steps, you can set up a dedicated space where you can explore your artistic side, free from distractions and interruptions.

The beauty is you don’t have to create alone.

Once you have your dedicated mindful art studio or journal set up, you can:

❥ Watch: Mindful Art Videos
❥ Download: Free Mindful Art Workbook

Having a dedicated space for your creative practice is essential for your self-care. It's a place where you can escape the stress and demands of everyday life, and focus on your own needs and wants. It's a space where you can let go of perfectionism, judgment, and stress and instead, focus on the present moment. It's a sanctuary where you can explore your artistic side and let your creativity flourish.

But it's not just about having the space, it's also about consistent practice.

Setting aside time each day to work on your art, no matter how small, can have a profound impact on your well-being. It allows you to disconnect from the world and focus on yourself. It's a form of self-care that nourishes not just your body but also your mind and soul. It's a way to recharge, refresh, and connect with yourself.

Consistently practicing your art, whether it's drawing, painting, sculpting, writing, or anything else, allows you to tap into your inner creativity. It's a way to express yourself and explore your thoughts and feelings. It's a way to nurture your soul and find joy, peace, and happiness.

We can create art in as little as 5 minutes.

So many creatives feel blocked or don’t create, because they feel like they “don’t have the time” or have too high of expectations for what they want to make. Both of these thoughts can block the creative process. Instead, you can try creating for only 5 minutes at a time. Set a timer and intention. Dip your toes into the creative process. It’s a great way to gain momentum and bypass our Inner Critic who can sometimes block us from even beginning.

I created an entire 5-day 5-minute Art Challenge a couple of years ago. You can still follow along and download this free Mindful Mandala Art Challenge Workbook (that includes a whole section on creating your own art space, mindful art prompts, and videos to inspire your practice at home).

Setting up a simple mindful art studio and committing to a consistent practice is a simple yet powerful self-care tool that can help you to find balance, and to flourish both creatively and personally. It's an investment in yourself, and you deserve it. Remember, the goal of a mindful art studio is to let go of perfectionism and judgment. Give yourself permission to experiment with different techniques and make mistakes. And above all, have fun and enjoy the process!

Learn More about Mindful Art:

Mindful Art YouTube Videos
Free Mindful Art Workbook
Free Mindful Mandala Art Challenge Workbook
Mindful Art Workshops
Mindful Art Teacher Training

Let’s Stay Connected!


Art Journal Ideas to Make Tissue Paper Backgrounds in Your Mindful Art Journal | Watercolor Doodle Art for Beginners

Today, I’ll be sharing fun mindful art journal ideas to create tissue paper backgrounds.

In my opinion, these mixed media abstract journal ideas with tissue are fun ways to explore doodle art, watercolor for beginners, or art to destress. This watercolor doodle art tutorial is great for beginners or if you’re a seasoned creator. Combining mixed media and mindful art activities is a fun way to explore a variety fo art journal ideas. This specific mindful art activity offers a fun and simple practice you can try at home in your mindful art studio without using a lot of art supplies.

Download the 30 Day Art Challenge Calendar to follow along as you play with Mindful Art activities to destress (where you’re in your mindful art studio, at home, or on the go).

Join our 30 Mindful Art Experiments E-Course for specific guided art tutorials, detailed prompts, and support.

How to Make Tissue Paper Backgrounds in Your Mindful Art Journal:

Watch our 30 Day Mindful Art Challenge Video Playlist.


- Draw the Breath Meditation Video
- Draw Simple Mindful Mandalas E-Course
- Mindful Art Activities Playlist

MINDFUL ART workshops online:

- Mindful Mandalas for Relaxation here
- More Classes & Teacher Trainings Online here


Arches Watercolor Paper Block, 9x12
Mungyo Professional Water Colors Set (24 Colors)
Watercolor Paint Brushes Squirrel Hair Professional 4Pcs:
Micron Ink Pen Set, Ass't 6CT Set

STAY CONNECTED with mindful creative muse:



These Mindful Art Activities may seem similar to a self art therapy session, but is not the same as Art Therapy. You may want to work with a professional Art Therapist for support. Some links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with these links, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you! Thank you for supporting MindfulCreativeMuse.com, so I can continue to provide you with free content each week!

15 Easy Mindful Art Journaling Ideas for Beginners | Self Art Therapy Exercises

Have you ever experienced feeling less stressed after mindful art activities or journaling?


Today, I’ll be sharing 15 Art Therapy Exercises and easy Mindful Art Journaling Ideas for beginners. These art journaling ideas are a combination of Art Therapy Activities and prompts from an Art Therapy group I attend, as well as some favorite Mindful Art Activities I teach. Some of the art journaling ideas shared include: Mindful Mandalas, Meditative Watercolor Doodling, Expressive Arts Exercises, Meditative Art, and Art Journaling, etc.

Many of these prompts are very simple (and open to interpretation), so it gives you permission to create and express yourself freely. I hope they inspire your own art journaling practice whether you’re in your mindful art studio, at home, or on the go.

15 easy Mindful Art journaling prompts (and self art therapy exercises):

  1. Drawing the Breath Meditation exercise

  2. Where do you feel stuck?

  3. Where do you get your strength?

  4. Growth

  5. Treasure

  6. Possibilities

  7. What are your values?


8. Meditative Watercolor Doodling exercise

9. Gratitude

10. Choose a letter from the alphabet to make your intuitive marks

11. Choose a part of your body to feel into and inspire your art making

12. Reflect and Express your Year exercise

13. Transitions

14. Transformation

15. For more details, Watch the Full Video Below (including examples of each self art therapy exercise and prompts, art making tips, and art material recommendations).


This 10-page workbook includes 8 common ways we get creatively blocked, 8 creative tips and solutions, and more mindful art journaling prompts to help you stress less and create more.

learn more and join our online mindful art classes here


- Draw the Breath Meditation Video
- Draw Simple Mindful Mandalas E-Course
- Mindful Art Activities Playlist

MINDFUL ART workshops online:

- Mindful Mandalas for Relaxation here
- More Classes & Teacher Trainings Online here


Arches Watercolor Paper Block, 9x12
Mungyo Professional Water Colors Set (24 Colors)
Watercolor Paint Brushes Squirrel Hair Professional 4Pcs:
Micron Ink Pen Set, Ass't 6CT Set


The Art Therapy Exercise prompts and Mindful Art Activities shared here may seem similar to a self art therapy session, but doing these mindful art actvities is not the same as Art Therapy. You may want to work with a professional Art Therapist for support. Some links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with these links, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you! Thank you for supporting MindfulCreativeMuse.com, so I can continue to provide you with free content each week!

Unlocking Creativity: Mindful Art Activities with Mindful Creative Muse

Welcome, Creative Friends! Today marks an exciting new chapter for our community, including a deeper dive into the world of mindfulness with the vibrant world of expressive arts, art journaling, watercolor painting, and more. Mindful Creative Muse is proud to introduce our latest project: a series of YouTube videos focused on expressive arts, mindfulness, art journaling, watercolor doodles, and more. This unique fusion is designed to unlock your creativity and enhance your well-being, no matter where you are.

Embrace Mindfulness and Creative art

In our fast-paced world, finding moments of peace and creativity can be a challenge. That's where our Mindful Art and Journaling Activities come in. Through our carefully crafted online exercises, you'll discover new ways to connect with yourself and express your emotions. Whether you're a seasoned artist or someone looking to explore your creative side, our art as meditation activities are tailored to suit all levels.

Creative Self-Care On-the-Go

The beauty of mindful art and journaling is that they can be practiced anywhere, making them perfect for those who are always on the move. Our Mindful Art Activities and Online Exercises for adults are not just about creating art; they're about crafting a space for yourself to relax, reflect, and rejuvenate. Whether you're at home, traveling, or in your personal art studio, these practices serve as a gentle reminder to take care of your mind and body.

Join Our mindful art Community on YouTube

Dive deeper into the world of mindful art by checking out Mindful Creative Muse’s new YouTube Channel and subscribing! Here, you'll find a treasure trove of resources to inspire your next mindful art or journaling project. From beginner-friendly tutorials to more advanced techniques, our channel is a space for you to explore the endless possibilities of creativity.

subscribe to our youtube channel

Subscribe to stay updated with our latest videos, and don't hesitate to like and comment with any questions or suggestions. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we're eager to learn what topics or activities you'd like to see featured.

As we go on this mindful art journey together, I'm reminded of the power of art and mindfulness to transform our lives. The Mindful Art and Journaling Activities we share are more than just exercises; they're a pathway to discovering your inner peace and unlocking your creative potential. So grab your art supplies and join us in creating a mindful, creative life.

Mindful Art and Self-Care Blog by Mindful Creative Muse

Welcome to the Mindful Creative Muse Blog!

In our busy world, finding relaxing moments and space for creative self-care has never been more crucial. That's why I'm thrilled to share the Mindful Creative Muse Blog – your sanctuary for exploring the sweet blend of mindfulness and creative art. Our blog is dedicated to offering you a wealth of resources for mindful art, art journaling, and expressive art exercises that serve as a bridge to your inner self.

Be inspired with simple mindful art activities for adults, including art journal ideas, watercolor painting, intuitive painting, expressive art exercises, therapeutic art, and more to begin again in your creative self care practice at home

Whether you're in your studio at home or seeking a peaceful retreat in the corner of your living room, our blog is designed to guide you through various creative practices, including drawing feelings, painting emotions, sad drawings, and drawing anxiety, as well as simple exercises to practice art as meditation. These practices are not just art activities; they are gateways to understanding and embracing your emotional landscape.

Begin Again with Mindful Art

Join us for a journey of renewal and self-discovery with simple mindfulness and art practices to begin again. These mindful art activities are designed to welcome you back into your creative flow, gently encouraging you to reconnect with your inner mindful creative muse. Whether you're picking up a brush after a long hiatus or finding new ways to express your innermost thoughts, our blog offers guidance to help you navigate this journey.

Mindful Art in Your Studio at Home

Transform your home studio into a sanctuary of mindful art. Dive into intuitive painting, watercolor painting, abstract painting, and more, as we explore techniques that encourage spontaneity, curiosity, and emotional expression. Our blog provides tips for setting up a mindful art space in your home, where you can freely explore the depths of your creativity without judgment.

Expressive Art and Mindfulness Activities

Dive deeper into mindful art with therapeutic mandala art journal ideas, including drawing feelings, painting emotions, sad drawings, anxiety drawing, and more to begin again in your creative art journaling practice at home

Discover the therapeutic power of art journaling as a means to capture your thoughts, emotions, and daily experiences. This practice not only nurtures your creative skills but also enhances your mindfulness, self-awareness, and emotional resilience. Through guided prompts and exercises, you'll learn to articulate your feelings through drawing feelings and painting emotions, creating a visual diary that reflects your growth journey.

Community and Connection

Our blog is more than just a collection of activities; it's a vibrant community of like-minded individuals passionate about mindful art and creativity. We hope you’ll comment and engage with fellow creatives, ask questions, and exchange insights on navigating the challenges and joys of the creative process. Our community is a supportive space where you can connect with other creatives and find inspiration in their stories and experiences.

Join the Conversation

I'm beyond excited to have you as part of our Mindful Creative Muse Community. Your voice, your art, and your journey matter. Engage with the blog by liking, commenting, and sharing your thoughts. Share it with a friend you may feel could use these sweet reminders, too! Let's deepen our connection through social media, where you'll find even more inspiration and community support on platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter (X), and our YouTube Channel. Follow us for daily doses of creativity, mindfulness, and encouragement to keep your creative muse alive (you’ll find our social media links below).

Happy Creating!

In our Mindful Creative Muse Blog, we're committed to creating an environment where you can embrace your inner critic, de-stress, relax, and nurture yourself. Through mindful art activities for adults and community support, we aim to help you increase self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-expression. Reignite your creative muse with us, and let's embark on this transformative journey together.